Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Post #7: SETBACK

Oy Vey.  This is not a success day, maybe just a learning moment :)

Top Deck layout challenge
I began setting up the top deck.  A lot has to go on here, but a couple of things on the top are anchors. The PIXY must go to the front, as far forward as i can get it and not interfere with the mounting bolts of the top deck.  The compass I would like to locate it top dead center of the top panel if at all possible.  I'm thinking this is the best position to get accurate/quick readings on the heading and not have to worry about the Y or Z axis.

Some things will be easy enough.  See the odd shape at the top of the picture?  That is the base plate for the PIXY pan/tilt module.  It is pretty big, takes up nearly the front half of the top deck.  That little board right below the PIXY is the compass. My challenge here is fitting that right in the middle of the top deck. Not sure how to mount it now that my plan A fell flat.

Plan A

I found this circuit boards at MicroCenter that I thought was perfect, put some sockets on the board, some pins that match so we can attach wires, plug in the circuit boards, mount the blank board on the top deck, and viola, done.  NOT SO FAST!

Here is what I laid out.  I _was_ going to use this super nice little board to mount my tough to mount circuits. I used 1/2 of the board for the compass and the other 1/2 for the Bluetooth module.  Perfect!


one GIANT short circuit

Luckily, I decided to test out my little invention before committing pins to the bluetooth and compass boards. As with almost everything else in this hobby, this board does not come with documentation.
Good for Power Bus
Turns out that each row of pins is connected, you are supposed to use this as a power/ground bus (luckily for me, I was planning that later). Basically what I created was one big giant SHORT CIRCUIT!  So, if you find yourself at MicroCenter and see this item, unless you want a power bus, forget about it.

Now I have to figure out a plan B for mounting bluetooth and compass.  Those holes in the compass module are extremely small, a #4 screw wont fit, I need to find a #3 screw of some sort. Back to Lowes for ideas.  Lowes has some nylon screws, but they only go down to #8, way to big.  I can't find a #3-40 tap, anywhere locally.... so I'll have to drill holes and use nuts.  I might even use 2 sided tape if I can't find another solution.

I'll let you know what I figure out in the next post.  Sorry all.

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